Powell Dobson architects were appointed in June 2022 to begin designing a scheme for new energy efficient council homes on the former New Penn pub.
The site is being considered to provide a range of two-bedroom homes to meet the needs of the local community.
The scheme will be ambitious and high quality. Through good design we hope to provide:
- An attractive and safe development for living and raising a family set within a green landscape where residents can walk, cycle and take public transport to get to local shops, schools and parks.
- New affordable homes that are energy efficient, naturally light and airy.
- Homes designed around modern family needs, with private gardens and outdoor spaces, electric vehicle charging points and bicycle storage.
- An improvement to pedestrian movement through the site that better connects to its neighbourhood, allowing for better access to the green spaces, local facilities and the adjacent Brynfedw estate.
The new development will provide new affordable family homes designed to meet the Council’s high energy efficient standards. They will be available to rent for people on the Council House waiting list and will comprise of 2-bedroom homes.
The scheme will incorporate a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) that may include rain gardens, tree planting and other green infrastructure that ensure rainwater drains naturally into the ground. This helps to combat the impacts of climate change, provides greener, more attractive places to live, and increases local biodiversity.
The project has four key stages (see below), which are now completed.
Stage 1 – Survey work and information gathering (Completed):
This stage involves undertaking all the necessary survey work on the site, such as trees, ecology and site condition surveys. They tell us all we need to know about the site to help shape the design of the proposed development. These began in 2021 and will continue until the end of the summer 2022.
Stage 2 (Completed):
Stage 2 involves using the survey work to identify the site opportunities and constraints and coming up with some initial ideas and early designs for the proposed development. We will get feedback on these ideas from the community and a range of technical experts to be able to develop a preferred option for the design. We will aim to complete this stage in the Autumn 2022.
Stage 3 – Preferred Option (Completed):
This stage involves developing the preferred option in more detail, ready for a planning application. This stage will involve a Pre Application Consultation (PAC) with the community and other stakeholders.
Stage 4 Planning Application (Completed):
A planning application was submitted for the proposed development on the 23rd October 2023, for the community and other stakeholders to have an opportunity to comment further on the proposals, which has now completed.
The Planning Committee granted planning approval for the scheme at its meeting held on the 14th March 2024, subject to the conditions as set out and available on the link below. To locate, search for the postcode CF23 9PW and select the development planning weblink
Whilst there is no further formal consultation for the scheme, engagement with the community will continue when the construction phase progresses and information for this will be updated on this web page.
Does New Penn still operate?
The pub ceased trading some time circa 2020
Who owns the land?
The land was acquired by Cardiff Council earlier this year 2022
When will the buildings be demolished?
We plan to demolish the vacant buildings as soon as possible. The exact timing will be advised to residents in the locality prior to commencement.
Can I be considered for a home?
To be considered, please go to Housing online
Get in touch
If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact us.