Funded by UK Government logo and government levelling up logo
Insole Shops Area, before improvements, Cardiff

Cardiff Council is proposing to undertake improvements to Insole Shops as part of the Neighbourhood Renewal Scheme (NRS) programme. We have identified a number of initial issues including:

  • Confusing parking area and highway arrangement
  • Poor quality pavements and carriageway
  • Pedestrian and cycle accessibility
  • Lack of greenery and poor-quality environment
  • Lighting

Draft plans for environmental improvements have been prepared based on the above issues. They include:

  • Improvements to the parking area
  • Formalising the highway/pavements
  • Improvements to pedestrian access
  • Provision of greenery
  • Provision of cycle parking
  • Provision of disabled parking

Project information

Have your say

We would like to find out what you think of our proposals and any comments you make will be used to inform the final designs.

    Would you like to see any of the following provided at the shops?

    We will process your personal data in line with our public task under UK GDPR and in accordance with current data protection legislation. For more information on how we use and process your personal data, please visit our Privacy Notice:

    Get in touch

    If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact us.
